TK Covid-19 Procedures
Drop-Off/Pick Up
Please be punctual and respect the drop off and pick up times. DANCERS and TK staff only are permitted inside with exception of parents/guardians of dancers under 4.5 years. Masks must be worn before entering. When you enter the studio, place outdoor footwear in taped shoe areas. Apply hand sanitizer and then proceed into the student common area and wait your class start time. When called into class by your instructor enter and find a marked spot. (masking during exercise will follow current rules).
Hand & Studio Sanitization
Hand sanitizer stations are located throughout the studio and their use is required upon entering. Studio and bathrooms will be deep cleaned daily. New paper tower dispensers have been installed to eliminate the need to manually hit a lever. 2 floor sprayers and a fogger have been purchased to sanitize the dance studio. Dance rooms, common areas, bathrooms and frequently touch surfaces will be cleaned frequently.
Physical Dis-Dancing
6 feet distancing between all dancers. To facilitate the ease of this, please be aware of markings on the floors. In the studios, boxes or ‘X’s’ have been created to help stay within there appropriate zones. Please always adhere to any signage and markings that have been posted. No partnering work will be conducted in classes.
Daily Screenings
All staff members will be temperature checked upon arrival to the studio. Please respect KFLAPH guidelines. If you are feeling unwell, think you have been exposed to COVID 19 or have travelled outside of Canada within the last 14 days do not enter studio. For more information please visit
Change Rooms
Temporarily closed. Each dancer will be required to bring their own items and be ready for dance with minimal belongings. They are still welcome to change footwear in the common student area.
Class Capacity
All classes will be capped at reduced capacity.
Studio Consortium
TK Danceworx Inc. is part of the Dance Safe Ontario. This is a group of studios owners/directors throughout Ontario, working together and with support of local and federal government officials to develop Performing Arts & Dance Studio COVID-19 Protocols. This was initially to address proper procedures during studio closure and to ensure we all work together with unified protocols in ensuring a safe environment for staff, students and communities. The consortium will continue to address wide encompassing issues many studio owners are still facing as a result of this global pandemic.
Facial Protection
Mandatory upon arrival/departure and within the drop off area, student common area and the bathroom. Mask during class time will follow current protocols as governed by the government of Ontario.
Modified Schedule
To control the flow of traffic of arrival/departure and within the facility, class times are staggered.
Contactless Payment
E-Transfer is the preferred method of payment but other methods of payment can be arranged. Email:
Desk Help
A desk person will be available during scheduled class times to ensure COVID 19 protocols are adhered too. Although they may not be able to answer all your dance related questions, they are more than happy to relay any messages you may have or you are free to email
Virtual Training
Virtual Training will be available in the event of a government mandated lock-down. Accommodations for virtual training can be arranged in the event of a student requiring isolating.
Remind App
For up to date studio information, changes to these or other procedures, please download the Remind App and join the class @TKDX