We are so excited to see everyone the week of September 9th, ensure you register in the portal.
Monday, Sept 16th at 6:15pm-7pm Comp team meet* ALL team members (past members to bring team jackets) so we can size and order new members team jackets (to order ASAP & try to get before the parade). (We have applied for the parade but need to be accepted) After jacket sizing is sorted we will keep Pre Jr, Pre Int, Int and Sr dancers for comp routine arranging (be preapred to dance) Tinys & minis are not required to stay. Those that have classes on Mondays can go to class and we will get you sized at some point when you are here. (Be sure to get sized)
I will be available Thursday Sept 19th for the new and part time dancer parents (ages 9+) to ask questions at 8:00pm.
Kingston parade date Saturday, November 23rd. (All part time and full time comp team dancers to participate)
BATD WORKSHOP OCT 27TH (Toronto) sign up by SEPT 12th!
Team photo – outdoors – ALL team members all ages: dancers to wear all black dance attire (no logos or rhinestones) bare feet , Hair in middle part low bun. Date – SATURDAY SEP 21st at 4PM Location: The Kingston (Frontenac County) Courthouse 5 Court St, Kingston (Just off Barrie St) Scholarship dancers please arrive for 3PM.